Monday, November 16, 2009

Truth(in my opinion)

I love the idiots that call our Democratically elected President a traitor.I see the idiot right complaining about the President's policies. They complain about spending,when, for the last 8 years "W" didn't see a spending bill he didn't like. The Rethuglicans complain about deficit spending when the fact is, every Republican president since Nixon has raised the national debt and added to huge deficits.The Democratic Presidents lowered the national debt, every time. The voodoo economics of Reagan still don't work and are the reason we have such a huge debt.The Bush tax cuts did nothing but drive our economy into the toilet. The thing that makes most of the right so mad is they LOST and couldn't steal the election again.So go ahead vote for the idiot Palin.She is just more of the same.God Bless America and God Bless our President!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today is the day we put aside to celebrate our Vets.It doesn't matter what we are doing . Our soldiers,sailors,air force and marines are all volunteer. They are not there for politics they are there for patriotism. Their sacrifice is what keeps us free. We must remember that freedom isn't free. There is risk involved. We must hold to the principles of democracy and the rule of law. You do not promote liberty abroad by abandoning it at home. It is time for the American People to stop listening to the pundits.Do a little research and find the truth.

Friday, September 11, 2009


9-11 It is funny how 3 numbers brings up a feeling of fear and anger. Today please remember that we are all Americans. We must always come together. It is time we stop listening to the pundits on the right AND left and be Americans. ONE NATION WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Please remember all of those who sacrifice to make our lives a better place.


Okay friends and neighbors we have the solution t illegal immigration!!!The system is called E-VERIFY.
It is a website that allows employers to verify a prospective employee's immigration status. All they have to do is register for the service(it is free) and them make sure that the person is allowed to work in this country.
It is a shame that we have so many people against it. The number one opponent of E-Verify is the Chamber Of Commerce. They say it puts to much on the employer. It is time to protect our economy and our security. If they can't work and make money they will leave. By verifying their status there can be none on welfare so there is the answer.Don't you love the internet!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Fall of the American Empire

Why is it when a Democrat does something it is evil but when a Republican does it it is ok??For example Mark Sanford. He had a blatant affair lies to his constituents and does not feel the need to resign because "God " put him here to save us all.I have never seen a politician on the left or the right that cares about anything but their own power.When people just lie because they want to keep the corporations in power it is time for something to be done. We as a people have been sold down the river by the Delays,Coulters,Beck and Al Franken. We are Americans. The thing that makes us great is our unity. When the politicians use the divisions instead of the commonalities our country will fall apart. We have become the worlds biggest debtor nation. This is the direct result of the Bush tax cuts and then the uncontrolled spending during the Bush administration.Mr. Obama inherited a 7 trillion deficit from bush. Where was the outrage then?? Oh I remember we were bringing liberty to the Iraqi's oil oops I mean the Iraqi People.

Now we have the right stopping the debate on health insurance reform.Not with truth but with lies that only the most ignorant people would believe. Death Panels, Pulling the plug on grandma. Sound familiar? I just want an honest debate not anything more that that. It seems the rich are going to keep getting richer and the middle class will have to do the best they can for their corporate masters . When we look at history we are looking more and more like pre-revolutionary France. The poor will stand it only so long and then they will rise up. The only thing that will keep the healthcare companies honest is a public option.For profit hospitals are a travesty. No one should make money on the suffering of others.When the decision for life or death is incumbent on how much money someone makes, the patient and their family lose. I ask you this, when I was sick what would you have done if they said I was going to die because i didn't have enough money Would you have let me die??You would have spent everything you could have to save me. 70% of all bankruptcies are because of catastrophic illness. We must do something.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Once again my friends we have been sold out. The Dems have let another opportunity to get universal health care slip by. Why? Because they don't have the guts to go against a loud and stupid group of people. The public option is the only way to get fair coverage for all Americans. It is time for all Liberals to get as loud and violent as their rethug counterparts .When guns are being brought to a Presidential event it is just a matter of time until a right-wing idiot shoots the President .

Monday, August 10, 2009


It is coming my friends. The far right is already arming themselves. It is unfortunate that they are arming themselves to shoot other Americans. I think the quote should be" A house divided cannot stand". The idiots out there are saying o one hand Mr. Obama is a Nazi and on the other he is a communist. Make up your mind please. He cannot be both. The Rethuglicans once again prove they are nothing but bigots and imbeciles. Do the world a favor and shut up a rethug today!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


My friends it is with deep regret that I ever thought Jeff Sessions was a man of integrity.The confirmation hearing are a disgusting.Jeff Sessions is an admitted bigot.Felt that until he found out that some smoked pot,the KKK was alright. OH no those evil pot smokers.Just forget about the lynchings, the cross burnings, the murder .After all it was just black people.He and people like him need to go away and let this country be the shining beacon of liberty and justice that they say they want.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

11th Commandment

It is time for all of the "pro-life" wackos to understand that abortion is here to stay. If you want no abortion,then all unwanted children should be adopted by one of your group. I hear a loud protest about abortions but i see no one stepping up to take care of these children. Most women who have an abortion do it for health reasons .They are not evil whores, they are desperate people. It is time for people to follow the 11th Commandment"Thou shalt mind thine own business".

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michelle Bachman Census Paranoia

Once again we see the idiocy of Michelle Bachman.When did the democratically elected government become the enemy?The absolute nonsense that this "public servant" spouts is not only stupid ,it is dangerous. She has already proven herself to be a traitor with her statement on being armed and dangerous. She needs to be censured at the very least or impeached.
Any Congress member who suggests that people should not cooperate with the census should be disciplined by the Congress. It violates her oath of office, even if that means nothing to her, it should matter to Congress. She has every right to propose laws and Constitutional amendments to change the census, but, she has no right to openly support illegal activities, treason, or assassination. If you look at her comments she appears to be a very foolish fascist, racist, terrorist or mentally unbalanced - or most likely both. I sincerely hope her defects are not genetic and passed down to all those children. The Congresswoman, of course knows all about the inferior genetics of all those minority people she keeps trying to scare everyone about.

Congrats to Al!!!

Finally!! Minnesota has two Senators.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Joe the idiot" oops!! I mean "the Plumber"

Why is this guy still in the news? He is a failed businessman who was a plumber but lost his license. He is now Joe the Loudmouth. If anyone want him to speak on anything he will, as long as he can parrot the party line.He is just another example of what is wrong with this country today. They say they want to protect their liberty. What a crock. He and other "tea-baggers" want to continue with the same failed policies that the republicans have been trying to implement for years.I would like to find out how many black tb's there are or muslim or anyone else who isn't white.The is going to be a revolution in this country.What side will you be on. The side of fairness and the rule of law or just another group like the KKK,Aryan Nation,Operation Rescue and Focus on the Family. While our brothers and sisters in Iran are fighting for their liberty,we allow the group of nope turn us into another Iran .We have our own mullahs here there names are Dobson,Robertson,Troy Newman and Dick Cheney. I would like to see a true conservative come to power.The religious right is NOT conservative they are as liberal as anyone,Because they believe we should live under sharia (oops) biblical law.That is not conservatism .I call for any who read this to be ready because the barbarians are at the gate.

Monday, June 22, 2009

US Ready for Any Threat from N. Korea?????

Okay, the North Korea has just called us out. While we have been wasting time and resources trying to build a Jeffersonian Democracy in Iraq,North Korea has become a nuclear power.While we were spinning our wheels in a war that was ill-conceived and poorly managed.We hanve allowed the real threat of North Korea go unchallenged.When they fire a missile at Hawaii what are we going to do. We will defend ourselves.They have already stated that any attempt to stop and inspect any of their ships is an "Act of War" .This could be the beginning of WWIII.It is time that we as Americans stop the political fighting and come together .We face an enemy who not only has the bomb but has no problem using it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well,It was inevitable.The republicans have trotted out their "ideas" for health care reform.It is the same old garbage. Pooling is the one thing I thought was good.After that it is the same old crap. Health Care savings accounts, a tax refund to certain people, and no guarantee of coverage.The insurance companies are trying their very best to stop any kind of significant change. We will still be at the mercy of a for profit company whose main purpose is making money not the health of this nation.I call on all Congress to do something that will help us all. Legalize pot and pay for it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Isreal Peace Plan

Today I read that the President of Egypt stated that one of the conditions Israel requires for a Palestinian State is is an "Official" recognition of the State of Israel. He stated that it "ruined " any chance of peace. It seems to me that the recognition that Israel has a right to exist is the first thing that must be accomplished . If the Palestinians want recognition Israel has the same right. I must admit I have some problems with the way Israel treats the Palestinians. However,until the Muslim world accepts the fact of Israel there can be no peace. Fanaticism on both sides must be stopped.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Here we go again folks. Once again we have been attacked by terrorists. When the Holocaust Museum was attacked we were all attacked. We as a country was attacked again. For some reason the right wing talking heads are trying to blame The President.It is time to stop listening to these idiots(El Rusbo,Glenn,i'm gonna cry, Beck Anne ,Jews need to be perfected by becoming Christian, Coulter.)and try to find out the truth. The Far-Right is as much a danger to this country as any muslim sleeper cell.The problem is that they will not be treated as terrorists .It must be that we only torture brown people. White people get a fair trail. If I offend any right winger ,I must be doing the right thing. We must stop the Nazification of our country. The patriot act is a farce that needs to be not only repealed it must be buried so deep that it will never see the light of day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taxes What a scam! I was just informed of this video. I would recommend it to all Americans.Watch and be amazed and angry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Health Care Reform

Okay let's have a story here.Once upon a time there was a man who had Hepatitis C. The disease had progressed to the point of a transplant was the only option. Going to the hospital business office he was informed that his life depended on the coverage of his insurance. Our hero was told that if his insurance did not cover the transplant, he not only would not be treated he was not even eligible for treatment.

So once again we find that money is what drives our health care system. The question I have to all of the conservatives out there who are #1 Pro-Life and #2 Against any health care reform.How much money is a adult human life worth?Is human life sacred as they as preaching, or is it just for those who have the money to pay for it.

Every citizen should have the same access to health care as any government employee.When we all can be guaranteed the right to life then we will have realized at least one part of the American Dream.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Right-Wing Terror

Once again we have witnessed a senseless act of terror and assassination.With the murder of Dr. Tiller, we see that fanaticism is not confined to the Mid-East it is also right here in the Mid-West.The conservative press once again shows it's own stupidity and hypocrisy by, on one hand condemning the act and on the other saying he got what he deserved.

Now the question is,does he deserve a normal American Judge and Jury? He is obviously a terrorist. Should this be a case that is under the "Patriot Act? Should he be water boarded to see who else was involved? Should we have a deck of cards with the Leaders of Operation Rescue and Bill O'Reilly?

Of course not. This man is an American Citizen and as such should be treated just like all other criminals. For that is what he is , a criminal.Unfortunately, there are those who will consider him a hero.